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LFS - Despre LK/About LK
leonkill™Date: Joi, 17-12-2009, 7:09 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 41
Awards: 1
Reputation: 76
Status: Offline
Romanian/Romana:LK a fost format acum 4-5 ani de L3on ca parte din "LinkMania".Prima oara a fost clan de counter-strike 1.6. Acum 2 ani am plecat din romania si clanul a fost desfiintat cu toate ca era un clan super mare in romania la vremea aia. Dupa cateva luni dupa ce am plecat am intalnit un prieten AndyQ care este al 2'a owner LK in prezent. Am decis sa facem din nou clanul impreuna sperand ca o sa mearga la fel de bine cum a mers cand eram si in romania. Cand am vazut ca nu merge cu counter-strike 1.6 am incercat sa facem clan de sa-mp, care a mers un pic la inceput dar dupa cateva saptamani a cazut. Ne'am gandit sa facem un site sa atragem mai multa lume si sa facem comunitatea mai mare. Asa am inceput cu andyq sa facem Nu prea am avut experienta la timpul acela dar am invatat. Andyq a ramas cu lkclan si a invatat html iar eu am invatat php si am facut cateva siteuri dar nu prea am avut vizite si am decis sa ajut cu lkclan. Acum vreo 3 luni in urma eu si andyq am avut server de lfs pe demo si am vazut ca ne merge de minune, dar am avut cateva probleme si serverul a fost inchis. Acum ne'am decisa sa il redeschidem si credem ca comunitatea e destul de mare sa deschidem si alte servere. Daca ai putea sa ne ajuti cu un host sau server nu ezita. Acum poti si tu face parte din LK.

English/Engleza:LK was formed about 4-5 years ago by L3on as part of "LinkMania." First it was a counter-strike 1.6 clan. 2 years ago I left Romania and the clan was disbanded although it was a super big clan in Romania at that time. After a few months after I left I met a friend called AndyQ which is currently LK's 2nd owner. We decided to make a new clan together hoping to go as good as it went when I was in Romania. When I saw that does not work with Counter-Strike 1.6 we tried to make it a SA-MP clan, wich went good for a while but after a few weeks it fell. We tought of making a site to attract more people and make a greater community. So me and andyq started to do We didn't really had experience at that time but we learned. Andyq stuck with lkclan and learned html and I learned PHP and I made several sites wich didn't really had visits and I decided to help with lkclan. Now about 3 months ago me and andyq had a LFS server on demo and it was going great, but I had some server problems and was forced to close it down. Now we decided to reopen and we believe that the community is big enough to open other servers. If you could help us with a host or server don't hesitate. Now can you be part of LK.

Keep it low and keep it sideways.
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